Rachèl Spros

Rachèl Spros is an archaeological scientist who completed her bachelor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in ‘Art studies and archaeology’ in 2018 and finished her master’s degree at the University of Oxford in ‘Archaeological science’ in 2019. During both degrees, she focussed on the application of stable isotopes in archaeological human bone and dental remains. As one of the PhD candidates of the project, she will focus on migration patterns and diets of the individuals buried at Ieper with the use of stable isotopes.
Key Research Interests
• Bioarchaeology
• Isotope analyses (H, C, N, O, S, Sr)
• Migration
• Diet
• BA in Artstudies and Archaeology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
• MSc in Archaeological science, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.